Kafa d'Notts (27th April 2013)


Hey hello all!!

So alhamdulillah, another KAFA session ticked! we had more than ten cute-brilliant- lil caliphs attended KAFA yesterday. Hope everyone enjoyed the class, inshaAllah :)

Our KAFA was conducted at DCC again, as a continuation of our previous Smart Solah. Since there were quite a number of our lil caliphs who didn't come for the last week session, the teachers began by recapping what we had learnt last time.

Starting from the steps of taking wudhu' as a prerequisite to perform the Solah, the kids were then made to stand in a line as the brothers demonstrating the steps of performing the Solah.

As the class approaching the end and the kids were getting tired, we all sat together and watch the video.

So, kids, don't forget to revise!

Till we meet again next time, inshaAllah, bubye..and Assalamualaikum wbt!

Kafa d'Notts 21st April 2013

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hey hello everyone,
Alhamdulillah our KAFA went on very smoothly yesterday with a very crucial yet interesting topic being delivered to all the lil caliphs...... And that is...Solah!

Beginning our session at DCC, the kids were reminded to recite 'auzubillahi minassyaitonirrajim' and 'bismillah' before they start doing anything in their daily lives.Our lil caliphs also sang out the Selawat  together and later on, Brother Fakharuddin told us the story behind the recitation of Selawat.

Moving on to our next lesson, Kak Yenti taught everyone the steps of performing wudhu'. With some demonstration from the teachers, the kids followed the steps of washing some parts of the body in order to complete ablution.

Ah, don't forget to recite the intention(niat) before you perform the wudhu'.....!

Meaning: I perform the wudhu' for the sake of Allah

Brother Akmal is showing Arif how to wash our ears for wudhu'

Everyone gets their turn, yeay! 
(p/s: Ammar and Arif are helping our lil Hakim to do it too *comel!)

After that, the kids were gathered in a group to learn on how to perform Solah. The session was handled by a group of Brothers from MIDUN and the kids were so excited to start performing Solah. They were told about the niat and the number of rakaat for every prayer before the steps of performing Solah were taught.

The kids were taught on the verses that need to be recited in the prayer. After that, they read the verses together with the teachers. 

Next is the most exciting part where our lil caliphs get to practically perform the Solah, hoorayy!

Brother Nazmi also explained the correct position of the rukuk:

So, kids, these are among the verses need to be memorized:

oh, here are some candid pictures capturing moments of the day :D

That's all for now, don't forget to revise...and till we meet again next  time inshaAllah...bubye..!!
Thank you everyone for coming, Assalamualaikum wbt :)))

Smart Solah

"Command your children to perform solat when they become seven years old, and spank them for it (solat) when they become ten years old."
(Abu Dawud)

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Hey hello all !!

So, it's been a longggg time since our last update, anyone's missing Notts Lil Caliphs' blog already? heheee
Sorry for not being able to write any post for almost 3 months, life has been hectic for each of us but alhamdulillah, the classes are going on as usual, and what is more interesting is...as we all know, our comel-comel, bijak pandai lil caliphs had successfully performed Selawat in conjunction with Nottingham Berselawat last February..!!  let's give a big round of applause to each of them..!!! yeay, congratulation everybody!!

InshaAllah a special entry will be posted in the near future about the event. inshaAllah :D

In this short entry, we would like to invite all of you to our next upcoming event, called Smart Solah, it's gonna be an exciting session inshaAllah with the participation of each of you of course, so, apalagi... come and join us..!! :) let's learn how to perform solah at a very young age :))) 

Allah loves those who remember Him, and solah is a way to remember Allah, right?

Please, kindly take 2 seconds to fill in this form, click here.

Jazakumullahu khairan kasira..

Ilalliqa', till our next session, bubye..and assalamualaikum! :)