
Hi everyone!

                 Notts Lil Caliphs had a memorable night on Thursday, 19th of December Ustaz Zahazan paid a visit to Nottingham. As the KAFA classes are now declared an official program on behalf of the Malaysian Society (NMS) , we have achieved another benchmark , and it is a cause for celebration.

           The event started with a speech by Dr Anizu , Director of Education Malaysia, followed by a choir by the Lil Caliphs. They sang a beautiful song about Mary and Jesus, and another merry song with the recitation of Arabic alphabets.

Dr Anizu , the Director of Education Malaysia

           Ustaz Zahazan gave a lecture to a crowd of about eighty people in the community centre. He looked rather tired, having arrived from Malaysia only hours earlier, but still, the speech felt powerful and sincere. Ustaz Zahazan spoke about hikmah among Muslims, the examples of such brilliance from the prophets and the sahabah.  He mentioned that we Muslims should be wise in making decisions and actions, and reiterates that message over and over again.


                After his lecture ended, Ustaz Zahazan handed certificates to the passionate KAFA teachers, and to the participating Lil Caliphs. 

            Lil Caliphs had a sumptuous dinner together with their teachers and parents after that, and it was pretty delightful. The lamb curry was indeed heavenly , while the piping hot soup was  exquisite.

                    Lil Caliphs had a truly great time that night, and we hope to have such programs  again! 

KAFA d'Notts 7/12/2013

Assalamualaikum everyone! 

Alhamdulillah, this week Notts Little Caliphs had another happy day.  The kids were all very enthusiastic for another KAFA session.

As usual, our KAFA kicked off with CIRCLE TIME where everyone sit together in a big circle. They said their Bismillah, Surah Al-Fatihah and after that, they selawat to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As for this week, we emphasized on the phrase “Ya imaman qiblataini” which means “Oh the imam of 2 qiblats”. The little caliphs learned something new this week. They now know that before the Kaabah, Masjidil Aqsa in Baitul Maqdis was the qiblat.

   Our little caliphs were listening to the selawat.

Next session was QURAN TIME! This week we learn about mad alphabets which are alif wau yaa! 

        They had fun pronouncing those letters!

      Alif wau yaa!

Then, we were very lucky to have Teacher Fiza to teach us arabic words of red, yellow, green and so on. :D

            Thank you Teacher Fiza!
After that, we had GROUP TIME. For this week, we built MOSQUES!
Farriess was the leader of the boys group and Aisyah was the leader of the girls group. Both teams were very brilliant with the structure and functions of the Mosque! MasyaAllah! During this session, we aimed to instill the spirit of teamwork among our little caliphs.
      Beautiful Mosque bulit by the girls group!

Last but not least, we had SNACK TIME! Alhamdulillah, ALLAH blessed us with plenty of food brought by the little caliphs’ parents. This week, Ain was selected to read a hadith about never to criticized food even if one don’t like it. 

Alhamdulillah, another KAFA session went smoothly..
So, till we meet again next time              
                                                              ~~~SAYONARA~~~  :D

Kafa D'Notts , 30th November 2013


Hi everyone!

          Little caliphs of Nottingham had a fun session on the last day of November. Everybody seemed to be looking forward for  that particular day, and Masyaallah, the kids really did enjoy themselves.

      The little caliphs started the morning with  Circle Time, during which they sat in a circle and sang the salawat, praising Allah and remembering the prophet. As we sang " anta shamsun anta badrun" , we reminisced upon the hard works done by the prophet for the mankind, and the kids learned the word 'sun' in arabic.

        During Al-Quran Time, the kids were split into two groups for juniors and seniors. They juniors tried to recognize the letters sin, jim and dal, with the help of the teachers ,and how sin sounds with fathah, kasrah and dhommah. The senior group had fun tracing the letters on worksheets, making them look beatiful with various colours.

               Brother Shoaib arrived shortly after, and he sang a song about Mary and Jesus together with the children, a song which we learned the past week . It was harmonious , although arguably off pitch at times. He proceeded with a story about Jesus and his mother, according to the Quran.

     After an engaging sharing session, the kids made paper airplanes and decorated their craft. They had then a little plane throwing competition , to see whose plane can go the farthest. Brother Shoaib tries to show that
while Allah has given Jesus the ability to create living birds out of clay, we could not even make proper paper airplanes. Hopefully some bit of teamwork and creativity were sown between the thrown airplanes.

   We had Snack Time  after that, while the parents prayed Dhuhr together. Time constraints made us unable to recite a hadith for the day, but surely we will do so next time, insya-Allah!




Kafa d'Notts 19 Nov 2013

Assalamualaikum wbh,

Good day mate!

How was your day?? 

Alhamdulillah. lil caliphs meet up after half-term break, let us together we praise Allah and Rasulullah SAW
Dunkirk Community Centre!!! This is where our lil caliphs gather :)

We begin with CIRCLE TIME!!
It's all about the Personal Social Emotional Development (PSED) through Al-Quran and Sunnah.

Lil Caliphs are getting ready for our warming up session by reciting surah Al-Fatihah, Du'a & Selawat to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Our theme for this week is SMART SOLAH!!

We learn that SOLAH is a key to paradise.. Have the key & we can enter the paradise! InshaAllah. With a piece of paper & colours. The lil' caliphs express themselves the beauty of solah using their art and creativity skills!! 


Wondering what these two best friends discussing together?

In this session we learn that Solah is the most SUPER SPECIAL time to remember Allah & He is the Almighty, the one who make our wishlists come true =)

Let's practice SOLAH together :)

SNACK TIME is our Fourth Lesson at KAFA!!

Jazakumullahu Khairan Katheera to the parents for the generous food contribution!

Alhamdulillah.. Kids learn a lot in this session - washing hands , taking turns , being patient.. the islamic lovely manners. We learnt... Allah will give more of His blessings when we share and eat together. Together we recite the Du'a and the meaning in English. We also learn that sharing of foods with neighbors, relatives and friends and the needy is emphasized in Islam.

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying :
" He is not a believer who eats to his fill but his neighbor goes without food"
-Sahih Bukhari-

Prophet Muhammad elaborated on the duty of the Muslim to suppress greed, especially in eating.This appears in a very specific situation reported by Ibn Umar, in which the prophet (PBUH) prohibitrd anyone taking two dates togetehr before asking permission from his companions ( Sahih Bukhari )

Hadith of the day : 
Everyone tried their best putting some effort to recite bit by bit in Arabic 
" Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you "

Alhamdulillah. Allah eases our teaching materials for this Saturday class. Jazakillah to Teacher Aelina, Teacher Rina and Teacher Fatimah. KAFA is all about a great teamwork! Teachers, parents and lil Caliphs  working together to nurture the love towards Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW.  

The selection of font itself brings impact to the child learning environment. Alhamdulillah, Notts lil Caliphs are blessed with 2 young teaching assistant! May Allah bless them.. Moga Allah berkati jalan dakwah ini.. InshaAllah Kakak Aina (In Pink) said she wants to be a doctor! She wants to come back to UK once she grow up to study medicine. InshaAllah.. InshaAllah. dah ada pewaris untuk tenaga pengajar KAFA. Meneruskan dakwah Fardhu Kifayah buat anak-anak kecil di Bumi Inggeris.

Alhamdulillah. That's all for now and till we meet again next time! InshaAllah ~~

Kafa d'Notts 12 Oct 2013

Assalamualaikum wbh,

Hello everyone!

Alhamdulillah we had our weekly KAFA class today.. so please to hear that our little caliphs excitedly wake up early in the morning in this cold rainy autumn.

Just like our normal session, we begin our class by reciting Surah AlFatihah and recited du'a. After that everybody get in a line to get ready for our SOLAWAT session.

Arif & Farries led the boy team..

We then recall the Months in ISLAM.. MashaAllah... Well done to Adriana, she could remember that it's ZULHIJJAH.. the last month in the Islamic Calendar and there is a special celebration for muslims all over the world. We then continued our Prophet Series with the story of Prophet Ibrahim & Islmail AS.

We learnt about SACRIFICE, the KAABAH & the KIBLAT

Alhmdulillah it's a big achievement for a mix age group between 4 to 10 years old. Special thanx to Aunty Sherynn, Teacher Siti, Teacher Fairuz, Teacher Rina & teacher Aelina.. The teachers had a multi-tasking teamwork for our Eid Concert preparation, InshaAllah :)

MashaAllah... Well done to NottsLilCaliphs who did really good listening.

The bigger ones with their inquisitive minds asking questions but it didn't last long till we had to come out with a ad-hoc plan how to make the session interesting for them. Alhamdulillah, Allah made it easy for all of us today... Kids really enjoyed the session & excitedly do the activities in a team. :)

Masha Allah... the girls really had a very good focus & listening skills. This is the team with lovely voice for our Eid Concert, InshaAllah.

Keeping everyone 'busy'

Alhamdulillah the session ended at 1.15pm & we had great time together today.. learn another Prophet Series and eating pizza at the end of the session for their hard work :) Well done kids! :) See you guys next week at our Eid Celebration, InshaAllah.

Kafa d'Notts 18 May 2013

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Bonjour everyone!!

Hope all of you are doing good and in the pink of health at this moment.

So Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, another KAFA session was brought to life last  Saturday. We had a great time together, yeay! We didn't do much but I believe all of the kids learnt something new inshaAllah.

Our lil caliphs were divided into boys and girls, where we had exactly the same number of them and each of the group was given blocks of various shapes to be played. Er, actually not to be played, but to be used for building a Mosque model, yeay!! We had a match between the boys and the girls! :)) Guess who won the match? tehee

Anyhow, the lessons wanna be conveyed are teamwork and respecting each other as a member of the team.

both teams were enthusiastically building their models..

The boys' model kept on falling down and it did put their patience at test to rebuild it all over again :D 

Finally, everyone's managed to get their model done, yeayy Alhamdulillah!

When they were finished, the lil caliphs had to present their works, telling what they have in their respective Mosque model such as where the ablution is, the prayer room et cetera

Next we all gathered to watch videos. Our caliphs were taught to recite the prayer before entering the house and sing its song together. Then we watched the CD on Prophet Muhammad's story.

That's all for now, till next time, au revoir peeps!

Wassalamualaikum wbt :)

p/s: pardon the low quality pictures =.='

Kafa d'Notts (27th April 2013)


Hey hello all!!

So alhamdulillah, another KAFA session ticked! we had more than ten cute-brilliant- lil caliphs attended KAFA yesterday. Hope everyone enjoyed the class, inshaAllah :)

Our KAFA was conducted at DCC again, as a continuation of our previous Smart Solah. Since there were quite a number of our lil caliphs who didn't come for the last week session, the teachers began by recapping what we had learnt last time.

Starting from the steps of taking wudhu' as a prerequisite to perform the Solah, the kids were then made to stand in a line as the brothers demonstrating the steps of performing the Solah.

As the class approaching the end and the kids were getting tired, we all sat together and watch the video.

So, kids, don't forget to revise!

Till we meet again next time, inshaAllah, bubye..and Assalamualaikum wbt!

Kafa d'Notts 21st April 2013

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hey hello everyone,
Alhamdulillah our KAFA went on very smoothly yesterday with a very crucial yet interesting topic being delivered to all the lil caliphs...... And that is...Solah!

Beginning our session at DCC, the kids were reminded to recite 'auzubillahi minassyaitonirrajim' and 'bismillah' before they start doing anything in their daily lives.Our lil caliphs also sang out the Selawat  together and later on, Brother Fakharuddin told us the story behind the recitation of Selawat.

Moving on to our next lesson, Kak Yenti taught everyone the steps of performing wudhu'. With some demonstration from the teachers, the kids followed the steps of washing some parts of the body in order to complete ablution.

Ah, don't forget to recite the intention(niat) before you perform the wudhu'.....!

Meaning: I perform the wudhu' for the sake of Allah

Brother Akmal is showing Arif how to wash our ears for wudhu'

Everyone gets their turn, yeay! 
(p/s: Ammar and Arif are helping our lil Hakim to do it too *comel!)

After that, the kids were gathered in a group to learn on how to perform Solah. The session was handled by a group of Brothers from MIDUN and the kids were so excited to start performing Solah. They were told about the niat and the number of rakaat for every prayer before the steps of performing Solah were taught.

The kids were taught on the verses that need to be recited in the prayer. After that, they read the verses together with the teachers. 

Next is the most exciting part where our lil caliphs get to practically perform the Solah, hoorayy!

Brother Nazmi also explained the correct position of the rukuk:

So, kids, these are among the verses need to be memorized:

oh, here are some candid pictures capturing moments of the day :D

That's all for now, don't forget to revise...and till we meet again next  time inshaAllah...bubye..!!
Thank you everyone for coming, Assalamualaikum wbt :)))