Kafa d' Notts (22 Dec 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Hye hello all..!!!

oh noo..it was our LAST KAFA yesterday..! :( ops, for this year I mean :p

2012 is approaching the end line, the school break has started for our children, and the KAFA class ended smoothly yesterday, all praises be to Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious.

Auntie Yenti just recapped our previous session about Jesus and Mary before the caliphs were divided into two groups where everyone learnt to read their Al-Baghdadi book.

We watched a few videos during teatime and it's so nice to see our little caliphs singing the Al-fatihah song together with the video..

Just a few pictures to end 2012...

Happy holiday kids, and don't forget to revise your book..:)))

till the next session, inshaAllah...Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Kafa d'Notts (15 Dec 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Hello everyone...!
How's everything getting on?

Alhamdulillah, our KAFA class had completed another session last week. (Sorry for the late update though) But yeah, as the Arabic saying goes "Time is like a sword, if you don't cut it, it'll cut you", let's thank Allah for giving us another chance to gather the kids and have fun learning Islam..

Oh, Christmas is just around the corner, so, 'in conjunction' with loads of information that our little caliphs received from their surrounding, Auntie Yenti told us the real story of Jesus and Mary.. Auntie Yenti also taught us a new song..yeayyy!!

There lived a lady long ago..long ago..long ago

There lived a lady long ago
Her name was Mary
Mary was a special lady… special lady.. special lady
Mary was a special lady
Allah loved her so much
Allah gave her summer fruits… summer fruits.. summer fruits
Allah gave her summer fruits
When it’s winter
Allah gave her winter fruits… winter fruits.. winter fruits
Allah gave her winter fruits
When it’s summer
Off she went to Baitulmaqdis… Baitulmaqdis… Baitulmaqdis
Off she went to Baitulmaqdis
Allah sent her an Angel
The Angel’s name was Gabriel… Gabriel… Gabriel…
The Angel’s name was Gabriel
Gabriel told Mary
“I am the messenger of Allah… messenger of Allah.. messenger of Allah”
I am the messenger of Allah
Mary gonna have a baby
Mary was so much in pain.. so much in pain..so much in pain
Mary was so much in pain
Allah protected Mary

In this session, we also learnt Arabic words..We learnt how to say the word 'tree' and to count in Arabic. The caliphs were so excited to come to the front and write the numbers in Arabic on the newly bought whiteboard. 

everybody wanted to give a shot..

Raina wrote a few numbers in Arabic

Abang Arif wrote the word 'syajaratun' which means tree

Then the Qur'an class took place as usual, with the older caliphs being divided into two groups led by two Teachers each and the younger ones were gathered at the living room and been introduced to the Arabic letters.

During teatime, the caliphs enjoyed so-delicious-finger-licking cakes brought by Adam for it was his birthday, syukran Adam and his mummy!! not forgetting the crunchy yummy made-in-malaysia-popia-goreng :))

Let's recite the prayer before eating.:)))

Till the next session, (that's gonna be tomorrow =.=' ) inshaAllah..

Happy winter break all...Assalamualaikum..!

Kafa d'Notts (24 Nov 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hello there readerss!! :)) it's been a long time since our last update, isn't it? We're very sorry that we didn't manage to put every updates on the blog, and sometimes the class had to be canceled for certain circumstances, but alhamdulillah, our KAFA class has started again today,( yeayy!!!!)  in a very excited atmosphere full of joys and laughter, and ...delicious foodssss :D

Today is a very special day for one of us, Alisa, who's celebrating her 9th birthday so, we've gathered at her house for the KAFA class and to join the birthday celebration. Jazakumullahukhairan kasira to Auntie Ina and Uncle Mirza for the special party...

We began our session with every children practised saying salam to Auntie Yanti as reply to her salam, then Auntie Yanti started the 'informal' lesson on the importance of saying Alhamdulillah, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and A'uzubillahiminassyaitanirrajim before we start doing anything in our daily lives. We also learnt to recite the prayer before going in to the toilet.

Then, we played musical chairs! All of us had so much fun :))) alhamdulillah..the kids were divided into boys and girls since we have quite a number of caliphs today to ensure that everyone takes part in the game...

Moving on to the next agenda, which is what everyone have been waiting for....EATING!!!

Say Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for the rezki's You've blessed upon us.. :)

We all sang a birthday song and 'Allah selamatkan kamu' to Alisa...

May Allah bless Alisa and her family, ie Amila, Baby Sarah, Auntie Ina and Uncle Mirza with happiness in the world and hereafter..amiinn..

So, that's all for now, till the next class, inshaAllah..assalamualaikum!

*and Salam 10 Muharam, happy fasting peeps :)

KAFA d'Notts (20 October 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah for His blessings to gather us for another KAFA session in 20 Cityroad, credits also to the hosts for providing very nice hospitality and the teachers who've been very helpful throughout the session. :)

Today the Junior Caliphs learnt to pronounce the letter 'dal', and practised on the nasheed that will be performed in less than a fortnight time, inshaAllah.. We also had fun colouring the props for the performance. Weee, can't wait for the eidul adha to come!!

(everybody's so excited to guess the letter shown on the card by Teacher Nadiah)

Meanwhile, in the other room, each of the senior caliphs were reciting one verse from the Al-Quran to put all the tajweeds that they've learnt into practice. With guidance from Sis Fatimah, the highlight was given on the pronunciation of 'ghunnah' ie idgham ma'al ghunnah, ikhfa' hakiki, iqlab and idgham shafawi..they were asked to identify these in the verse that they read..

Wait....we have another good news to share with all the caliphs!

Today, we are very delighted to receive new family members from Pakistan, yeayyy ..Welcome 'aboard' to Alisya, Hasan and their youngest brother who's not in the picture :D

Meet the happy family of Brother Hasan Fazal

Hasan, and Alisya with their Mom

We also had a varieties of foods, ranging from noodles, kek batik, kueh bingka, and some fruits at the end of the class...umphh delicious, thank you parents...!!

till next class,

by notts lilcaliphs

KAFA d' NOTTS ( 13 october 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Alhamdulillah, another KAFA class resumed in Dunkirk with a very great turnout, 25 little khaliphs!!- Ammar, aisyah, adni, adriana, adriana, khaira. raina, mia alissa, mia emilla, arif, najaa, umar hamzah, hannan, nuha, wafaa, nizam, iman, eizlan, eizzriq, farah, izzati, ridhuan, amran, aisyah, iman, - masyaAllah!

Today was a really merry day. Jazakumullahu khairan to all teachers who came today who made the class manageable :)

Senior khaliphs read the Quran, learnt about ikhfaq haqiqi and did an exercise recapping wajibal ghunnah, idgham bila- & maal- ghunnah.

The junior khaliphs learn the letter 'jim' and the related 9 sounds.
(everybody listened to cikgu nadiah -masyaAllah)

( today, we have karipap pusing, fried pasta, sandwich. MasyaAllah, thank you, parents for the delicious yummies)

In preparation for the eidul adha which would be coming in the next 2 weeks, the little khaliphs also practised a nasheed to be performed on the day, insyaAllah.  It would be challenging but behold~~~!!

till next class, insyaAllah

KAFA d'NOTTS ( 6 October 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Alhamdulillah, the second class took place in Dunkirk City Road still ( jazakumulllahu khairan to the host for having the class at your house - fatimah, nadiah, izreena)

14 little khaliphs came today~~ mia alissa, mia emilla, najaa, umar hamzah, wafaa, aisyah, ammar, adni (ayang), nizam, iman, eizlan, eizriq, farah, ridhuan... masyaAllah~:)

the senior khaliphs learns makhraj, idgham maal ghunnah, idgham bila ghunnah w sis fatimah. They had an intensive class but everyone gave their best attention till the end..masyaAllah :)

(exercise on idgham maal ghunnah, bila ghunnah)


This week, the little khaliphs made final touch to the 'get well soon' cards..

(we miss you, auntie yentti~~!!, after 2 months of  no class)

(get well soon, insyaAllah, auntie Faz)

 The little khaliphs also learned the letter 'sin' and the related 9 sounds with cikgu Yentti. :)
(picture shows only 7 sounds pulak, hehe)

till next class, insyaAllah,

KAFA d'NOTTS ( 29 September 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah, after 2 months of no KAFA class, the class resumed, this time at Dunkirk, masyaAllah..
13 little khaliphs came: Ridhuan, farah, izzati, eizlan, Ezzriq, wafaa, mia emila, mia alissa, Hanan, Aisyah, Ammar, Nuha and Adriana.. Wah, everyone was excited about learning!

as a continuation of the previous class, the senior khaliphs did an exercise on MAD ASLI. with little prompt, everyone was able to remember about things they learnt almost 2 months ago, masyaAllah :)

Today, they also learned about 'WAJIBAL GHUNNAH' and did an exercise to reinforce the learning.

 The junior khaliphs had a little recap of 'alif ba ta' and quickly learn 3 basic sound of alif -> sin.
credit poster: elyani

The little khaliphs worked hard to make 'get well soon' cards for auntie faz & auntie yentti. They learned that when somebody fell ill, we should make dua to Allah. Get well soon, insyaAllah ~~!!!
They were so creative, they had us amazed.

Till next class, insyaAllah :)

KAFA d`Notts (4 August 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt Alhamdulillah another KAFA class was held on the 4th of August at auntie Yentti's house. Jazakalahu khair to the host, teachers and students for giving their full support and cooperation in making this KAFA class an enjoyable learning experience for all those involved. One of the main activities for the day was getting to know our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. This is done in an interactive way by having the kids build the Prophet's family tree and telling them stories along the way. Let the pictures do the rest of the talking then! :)
We also learned about the names of Prophet Muhammad's sons and daughters!
The next activity was learning how to recite Suratul Fatihah and Suratul Ikhlas. The kids were given homework that is to go back and practise reciting the surahs. They will be asked to recite the full surahs again at the next KAFA class. :) Till next time!

KAFA d'Notts (28 July 2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt. Alhamdulillah, praise to Almighty Allah for with His blessings, another KAFA class was successfully held with a very good turn out, MasyaAllah! The students were divided into senior and junior calliphs. The senior calliphs were taught on one of the basic Tajweed that is the Mad Asli. They then recited the Quran under the guidance of the teachers. Next on the activity list is playing the fun and educational game of Quran Puzzle! :)
The junior calliphs had their own fun by playing the game 'Who created What?' where they have to guess what the teachers have hidden in a box and a small sack and shout out loud who created it.
The little calliphs were then taught the Arabic alphabet 'Mim' and the different sounds of 'Mim'.